**Question (问题描述)** 我正在寻求一个Table的封装方式处理一些模板代码 **Describe the solution you'd like (你期待的是什么?)** 消灭模板代码,在维持代码的拓展性和数据流的清晰度的前提下 **Additional context(附加信息)** 我注意到STable,它在一定程度上不用手写分页,但是在加入额外条件,比如搜索/筛选框时,它必须使用Ref来刷新(比如[例子](,我的观点以及Vue的文档隐约表示,如果不是万不得已,不要使用ref,STable在这里得到的便利性对于付出的代价是否是值得的?你们如何看待直接用ref控制子组件的做法?
hi,I found this project just now and I was surprised that C program can run on jupyternotebook. But after I install jupyter-c-kernel by ``` sudo pip3 install jupyter-c-kernel sudo install_c_kernel...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] to reproduce: ``` import...
allow Field's default value not only be callable, literal value, but also async function ## Description when set Field's default keyword option to async function, then while save and create...