> > 啊兄弟,你是直接在detector.py把权重路径改成自己的的.pt嘛 > > 兄弟, 怎么用自己训练的.pth文件来运行这个跟踪程序啊.直接在detector.py里该改权重和name我试过不行,啥都不显示 还有别的文件要改,配置的.yaml什么的,可以进跟踪执行文件里看一下,需要权重的都改
the modification in the code is just to change the path of cfg,weights and the names
> @ Y-Mona您是 如何在模型中转换的?你能帮我吗 `from models import * model=Darknet("cfg/yolov3-spp.cfg") #your dir of cfg checkpoint = torch.load("weights/last.pt",map_location='cpu') model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model']) save_weights(model,path='weights/last.weights',cutoff=-1) ` you can use this code, which comes from the model.py in...
> @ Y-Mona您是 如何在模型中转换的?你能帮我吗 just make a new .py,and put it in yolo
Sorry,I forget it.I used this code in YOLOv3 detection project .the repo:[https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov3/tree/archive](url) you can put the code with models.py,and execute it,or try to download the models.py in this project ....
Forgive me for being hasty . you can try to clone the repo of yolov3,then do it in the project .
> 我试过yolo3-spp.cfg也是遇到一样的问题,但用yolov3.cfg训练就可以检测到目标了 ok我试一下,非非常感谢!
> @Y-Mona the last qustion please. how do making your own .t7 . i am working on Traking Model with may own dataset, do u have project for this ???...
> @ Y-Mona请问最后一个问题。如何制作自己的.t7。我正在使用可能具有自己的数据集的Traking模型进行工作,您是否有针对此的项目??? my repo [https://github.com/Y-Mona/DeepSORT_Pytorch_VeRi](url)