I am not familiar with system programming. And I want to rewrite the tool in Rust. I am confused, why just ``` fnmatch(entry['src_path'], pattern) ``` instead of ``` fnmatch(normalize_path(entry['src_path'], relative_to=git_root),...
```import psutil import os def print_memory(): print(process_memory()) def process_memory(): process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) mem_info = process.memory_info() return mem_info.rss // (1024 * 1024) def main(): print_memory() # prints 17 import lark_oapi print_memory()...
I want to use flask-openapi3 in our large and old project based on flask. But it's difficult to migrate the whole project from flask to flask-openapi3. What can I do?
Why don't publish it to [PyPI](https://pypi.org/)? It's easy and will make more people know it and use it.