Results 16 issues of Xudong Huang

As we can see that the top tests of plaintext and json are so close, the wrk become the bottleneck of those tests. I think we should make the server...

we can use this API to wrap the code that would run for a long time or would block a thread. when the API is invoked, the worker thread would...

could use a ReadV/WriteV extension trait for the new interface


there are a lot of work need to about the documentation.

help wanted

Below is the output ```sh $ cargo test --release Compiling fringe v1.2.1 (file:///home/ubuntu/Project/rust/libfringe) Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 5.91 secs Running target/release/deps/fringe-cfa403e779d7269b running 5 tests test arch::tests::context ... ok test...