Xu Flag

Results 2 issues of Xu Flag

运行环境:Ubuntu16.04 gcc 7.5.0 运行结果 ``` this is log No.1 this is log No.3 Segmentation fault (core dumped) ``` 代码如下 ``` int main() { mLog(MORN_INFO, "this is log No.1\n"); mPropertyWrite("Log","log_file","./test_log.log"); mLog(MORN_INFO,...

**environment** widora BIT5-7628DAN uboot firmware: v1.0.9 below serial0 print after update finish and reset ``` Widora by mango,V1.0.9 Board: Ralink APSoC DRAM: 64 MB relocate_code Pointer at: 83fb4000 flash manufacture...