Mykola Melnyk

Results 4 issues of Mykola Melnyk

androidx.core:core update from 1.2.0-alpha02 to 1.3.0-alpha02 causes Notification crash The error most probably caused by new Notification compat changes ( Stack Trace: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:$Action.( com.ashokvarma.gander.GanderInterceptor.create( com.ashokvarma.gander.GanderInterceptor.createTransactionFromRequest( com.ashokvarma.gander.GanderInterceptor.intercept(

Add attribute/setter for Paint.Cap.ROUND for progress bar, because I have done it through reflection

spin() does not work after I set at least once setInstantProgress(SOME_VALUE). If I do not call setInstantProgress at all spin works as intended. I used ProgressWheel along with "in.srain.cube:ultra-ptr:1.0.11". In...

1. Add ability to structure vertically (or horizontally) by layers/levels. E.g. we may want to show first :app, then below all :feature, then below all :domain, then all :data, and...