Miroslav Hadzhiev
Miroslav Hadzhiev
1) Downloaded the latest SQLite - ver. 3.21 (sqlite-autoconf-3210000.tar.gz). 2) Compiled and installed it. [root@localhost sqlitebck]# sqlite3 -version 3.21.0 2017-10-24 18:55:49 1a584e499906b5c87ec7d43d4abce641fdf017c42125b083109bc77c4de48827 3) Make sure to link its libraries in...
I believe we need to find a way of using version 1.3 with an older SQLite installed - that is to say, without the need of upgrading the SQLite on...
Also - the above solution works only on RHEL/CentOS ver. 7 or above.
So it appears the problem is related to the other older instances of SQLite - I've created a new virtual machine with CentOS 6.9 and compiled and installed manually only...
And is there a way to include statically the files of SQLite 3.21 so only 'sqlitebck' can see them as the default ones on the system? For example, I've compiled...
Hi Piotr - yes, it appears exactly this - after updating 'pysqlite' to ver. 2.8.3 (compiled with a static built-in of SQLite 3.21)... 'sqlitebck' stopped working. Trying to update it...
In my case it removes all the comments in the YAML file. @dr4Ke Has it happened to you?
Hey folks - has there been any progress since the last comment?
Yup - deprecated in the `helm/charts` repo. Any progress here?
> > > Hi @Xtigyro what version of helmsman are you using? Hey @luisdavim Tested with Helmsman `v1.13.1`. My `.toml`: ```toml [settings] kubeContext = "kubernetes-admin@kind-one" # the name of the...