> > 也遇到了同样的错误,附上完整的细节 > > NB GPU 为 6GB GTX980TI > > [Run01_Errors.txt](https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss/files/11030778/Run01_Errors.txt) > > 修好了,目前正在训练。 > > 将训练选项卡上的优化器从 AdamW8bit(默认设置)切换到 AdamW thank you. Great.
I had the same issue.I try this, and donnot work. but I change this, it is working. Thank you.  >  I Change This. Reload Working. 我改变这个。重新加载工作。 
> As discussed in [tatsy/torchmcubes#5](https://github.com/tatsy/torchmcubes/issues/5) [tatsy/torchmcubes#5](https://github.com/tatsy/torchmcubes/issues/5) 正如 > > Here is the complete solution to install TripoSR这是安装TripoSR的完整解决方案 > > Install python https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.12.2/python-3.12.2-amd64.exe安装 python https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.12.2/python-3.12.2-amd64.exe Install rust package manager https://win.rustup.rs/x86_64安装 rust...