Xipeng Lin
Xipeng Lin
hexo new post 新建一个文章后, hexo g hexo s 在http://localhost:4000/ 可以看到最新的文章,但是无法点开文章,点开出现错误如下: Cannot GET /http:/yoursite.com/2019/12/10/test-blog/ 但是试了官方的几个theme,就不会有这个问题。 请问这是哪里没有配置对吗?
It's very happy to share your brilliant code. I learn a lot from your code. But i faced a problem when detecting eyes. If the eyes are closed , CascadeObjectDetector...
Thanks for your remarkable work! There are lots of function like new order and cancel order using websocket api. I strongly recommend you to add these functions on websocket api.