Xinpeng Zhang
Xinpeng Zhang
Hi! I met a problem when I want to compare two gff3 files: [04:44:40] INFO - PUL0611.gff [04:44:40] WARNING - Found no CDS features in ED556_00425 [PUL0611.gff] [04:44:40] WARNING -...
Revised bug from issue by Jinfang
@prihoda Hi! I may find a bug that: The output file (*.bgc.tsv) does not have "protein_ids bio_pfam_ids pfam_ids" (empyt), no matter use protein file (--protein ) or change the protein...
I want to use my own data to train deepBGC, because I want to find a specific BGC, but I have problems in the process of training, because all Gene...
Dear Linxing, Good afternoon. Thank you for this excellent paper and tool! I read this paper and shared it with my lab members. I have some questions about the application...
Hi, Thank you for providing such a great tool! I'm trying to use bioconda to install it and it succeed, however, when I tried to run the tool it gave...
Fixed cgc.gff generation issue in protein mode: Keep the CDS in the gff file.
Hi, Thank you for changing the license of ESM-C! I want to ask if it is possible to launch an ESM-C jupyter to provide some examples and introductions. I saw...