
Results 4 comments of 会弹钢琴的狼

Step 3的udp2raw客户端配置里的服务器地址有办法默认设置成$$的服务器地址吗...? kcp的服务器地址不填好像就是这个效果...但这个不填好像不行.... 因为$$用的是域名...IP 总在换..

Hi, Steve, I tried fully sort all tiles, but seems not help for the issue. https://github.com/BrookHuang/SRPG here is my code, you can clone it as a test case.

@pandamicro Please take a look for this bug on web, I need you help~ Thanks

I found this is work for me: ```typescript import EventEmitter from "events"; import TypedEmitter, { EventMap } from "typed-emitter"; class Animal extends (EventEmitter as { new (): TypedEmitter & TypedEmitter...