
Results 10 issues of XiaoqiangZhou

The Network archtecture of Discriminator is strange in "MNIST_EDGE" task. Why the number of ouput channel is 2? When I train the `train_cogan_mnist.py`, the result is awful. It seems Generator...

Hi, it seems you only use a PatchGAN as your discriminator, which is different from conventional method that use both global and local discriminator. Could you please explain why you...

Thanks for sharing such a great work! I'm looking forward to the code release. It would be better if the code is implemented with PyTorch. Thanks!

Thanks for your reimplementation. When I run the test_contextual_attention function in the `network.py`. Error occured. `RuntimeError: Given transposed=1, weight of size 4096 3 4 4, expected input[1, 4032, 166, 250]...

Hi, I'm reading your CSA-inpainting work recently. The most impressive novelty of this work is that CSA layer takes use of information from not only known regions, but also generated...

Thanks for your reimplementation! 1. In networks_stylegan.py, line 107 `f = f[:, :, ::-1, ::-1]`, I think you should consider use `f = torch.flip(f, [2, 3])` 2. In networks_stylegan.py, line...

In 'models/graph_memory.py', line 274. i.e., the forward function of class ' Memory'. `m_out_all[:, :, x, :, :] = hiden_state` It seems that the updated memory cell `m_out_all` will not influence...

Dear researcher, Thanks for sharing this great work. A question about the code is that the mixed precision training (i.e., amp) is disabled. Does the amp training lead to training...

Thanks for contributing such a great work. Why use 'zero_module' in the last convolution layer?

Thanks for sharing this great work. In the paper, you mentioned that "transfer rich multi-scale texture patterns from the source image distribution to the noise prediction" How ever, in the...