
Results 5 comments of XiaokangLiuCUG


> 有人解决的吗?我现在也是我2080Ti利用率都没过过3%,cuda计算也是震荡,基本0-50波动 我的问题已经解决了,是因为图片尺寸太大每个batch预处理时间过长过长,导致显卡拿不到数据,才一直在波动,望能帮到诸位

Is this issue has been solved? I have got the same problem. I tried 100 images, but only save around 20 images. while it seems fine in January when I...

Anyone solve this, I got the same issue.

I have got the same issue, I tried different keywords, but all download with less than four hundred images, and the --related_images seems not working. Does anyone fix this?