Xiao Zhang
Xiao Zhang
您好,请问一下在,这里的2187和558和576以及4095是指什么呢? 高光谱图片切块训练,按照144*144*31.这个高光谱图片512*512应该只能有25块附近吧?self.HR = torch.zeros([num, channels, fis, fis])怎么batchsize会是2187 或者558? def __init__(self,path,label,s=4,channels=31,fis=144): # num 31 512 512 if label == 'train': num = 2187 elif label == 'val': num = 558 else:...
I can't understand if model == Neural ODE ,the result of dynamics of a bouncing ball is very bad. its result is just a line in [0,10].
how to train real image? Here giving the traing of div2k, but no RealSR