It would be nice to have a way to search the Interface Terminal for Invalid Patterns. Edit: It would also be nice to have a way to search the Interface...
Add a "Search Box Mode" to the ME Interface Terminal so that people can chose between "Standard Search" and "Auto Search". As someone who uses Standard Search in the ME...
When selecting different patterns in the Woodworker's GUI the GUI does not update, however it still gives the right block. Video for clarification: https://youtu.be/0Z43lCJAO3I Minecraft: 1.12.2 Forge: 2544 Mods: [list.txt](https://github.com/ForestryMC/Binnie/files/1488710/list.txt)
Crashed while browsing the In-Game Wiki (scrolling through the page). Crash Report: [crash-2017-11-15_18.45.33-client.txt](https://github.com/maruohon/itemscroller/files/1475778/crash-2017-11-15_18.45.33-client.txt) - Minecraft Version: 1.12.2 - Forge Version: 2543 - Mods: [list.txt](https://github.com/maruohon/itemscroller/files/1475759/list.txt)
When you have multiple groups of maps and you use Tiered or Grouped map vote types they will stop working if one of these categories runs out of maps (either...
UMC bans map with no regards if they fit the current playercount, which leads to two possible problems: If you set the number of previously played maps banned too high...
I have to restart my server often and every time I do it "forgets" what map were previously played and people end up with the same maps they played recently....
While playing with the Router I've come across multiple situations where I needed more than one Buffer Slot for the build I had in mind. Is it an intended limitation...
I have a server on Empires mod and I use UMC for map votes. I wanted to use UMC's tiered vote so my players can vote between different type of...
When I include Spice of Life in my modpack I usually also change its configuration to be the last 6 foods you ate instead of the default number. Why? Because...