
Results 13 issues of 雪人

Please support RTL for the rest of us. Thank you very much for this awesome lib!


سلام! اگه بشه گزینه های فرمت رو بیشتر بسازید که خیلی عالی میشه! مثلا فعلا که تنها Month Day Year رو فرمت میکنه اگه بتونیم Hour Minute Second Timezone Offset...

It would be super useful to have a timezone spoofing feature too Because after all, this is a method to identify user's location. There's an extension for this already: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kcabmhnajflfolhelachlflngdbfhboe...

**Error log:** Execution failed for task ':app:dataBindingMergeDependencyArtifactsDebug'. > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:debugCompileClasspath'. > Could not find com.github.li-xiaojun.AndroidKTX:share:2.3.31. Required by: project :app > com.github.li-xiaojun:AndroidKTX:2.3.31 project :app >...

jCenter is currently deprecated and artifacts can only be downloaded till May of 2021, consider migrating to jitpack or maven central. Your library is already breaking. more info here: https://developer.android.com/studio/build/jcenter-migration


At first shot the total size gets shown correctly but after a cancel and resume, or a pause and resume the total size is alreadyDownloadedSize + totalSize! This bug is...

help wanted

Hello, I am wondering if there is a way to override the storage methods used in this library. Mainly the idea is to encrypt the HTTP Response ByteStream on the...

I was wondering how to customise the direction of the entire menu and its items, this is crucial for RTL apps. If you haven't done it yet please add a...