
Results 177 comments of Xeverous

Just a bump noting that there are more people interested in `is_better_enum` trait. I was surprised when I realized that `std::is_enum_v == false`. This means that the "upgrade" from C++11...

Attempted cmake commands looked like this: ``` (emcmake) cmake ../.. -G "MinGW Makefiles" \ ([...] some my-project-specific-cmake-flags) \ -DCORRADE_RC_EXECUTABLE="C:/Program Files (x86)/Corrade/bin/corrade-rc.exe" \ -DEMSCRIPTEN_PREFIX="[...]/emsdk/upstream/emscripten" \ (-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="[...]/corrade/toolchains/generic/Emscripten.cmake") ``` all ends in the...

> historically Emscripten's toolchain files were unreliable, broken in particular versions and doing too much / being too automatic Yes, I'm currently affected by 2 bugs: - https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/issues/13067 (solved by...

> But to be frank I don't know how modal windows are done in SDL/GLFW either, I only ever used them in Qt, and there it was as you describe...

> That's exactly what I wanted to base the implementation on / steal from -- doing some `dlopen()` in case the API isn't implicitly linked from elsewhere. Then tinyfiledialogs should...

Wait please, I just discovered https://doc.magnum.graphics/magnum/classMagnum_1_1ImGuiIntegration_1_1Context.html#ImGuiIntegration-Context-fonts and looks like it's completely my fault!

Yeah, that was my fault. I just wan't aware there are some preconditions mentioned in context class documentation.

> Is the parser a wip or is the intention to drive towards one syntax to rule them all? If you mean the parser of the real filter syntax (not...

I don't like this approach, for these reasons: - There are not 2 states, but 3 (generate with `Show`, generate with `Hide`, do not generate). In a lot of cases...

Another idea: each block could be marked with a tag and then one could form multiple variants from tags: ``` @lab BaseType "Offering to the Goddess" { ... normal =...