ghost-cursor icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ghost-cursor copied to clipboard

Problem with rounded buttons

Open marcusdiy opened this issue 1 year ago • 12 comments

When the button is a circle or has rounded box the click may happen to be outside the button. There is needed a better solution to handle rounded shapes otherwise clicks wont work.

marcusdiy avatar Oct 17 '23 13:10 marcusdiy

Can you share the example from a webpage or component?

captainjackrana avatar Oct 30 '23 17:10 captainjackrana

Sure. Just create a round button and try to click it.

    const GhostCursor = require("ghost-cursor");
    const puppeteer = require("puppeteer");
    (async () => {

      const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false });
      const page = await browser.newPage()
      const cursor = GhostCursor.createCursor(page);
      await GhostCursor.installMouseHelper(page);
      //await page.goto('');
      await page.reload();

      await page.evaluate(() => {
        let h = `
          <div id="missedCount">Missed count: <b>0</b></div>
          <div id="btn">Click me</div>
          <style> #btn {border-radius: 93% 7% 96% 4% / 93% 6% 94% 7%; padding: 30px; background: #ffdcdc} </style>`;
        let s = document.createElement('div'); s.innerHTML = h; document.body.appendChild(s);

      await page.evaluate(() => {
        let h = `
          let missed = 0;
          document.body.addEventListener('click', () => { missed++; updateCount(); });
          document.querySelector('#btn').addEventListener('click', (e) => { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); });
          function updateCount() { document.querySelector('#missedCount b').innerText = missed; }`;
        let s = document.createElement('script'); s.innerHTML = h; document.body.appendChild(s);
      while (true) {
        let $btn = await page.$('#btn');


marcusdiy avatar Jan 04 '24 17:01 marcusdiy

A solution could be checking if the element hovered is actually our target, and if not retry. document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY)

marcusdiy avatar Jan 04 '24 20:01 marcusdiy

also having this issue

simonadler1 avatar Mar 22 '24 20:03 simonadler1


viniciuspatzer avatar Mar 24 '24 02:03 viniciuspatzer

same issue

manishiitg avatar Apr 13 '24 15:04 manishiitg

Any update on this issue? Facing same challenge

revic1993 avatar Apr 19 '24 12:04 revic1993

The problem is that CDP returns a rectangle bouncing box. So while clicking in the middle is usually OK, a random point might be outside of the clickable area in a non-rectangle element. For example:

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 20 15 11

I'm not sure if there is an easy way to fix this. Maybe add an extra check upon calculating a point to see if it's hoverable?

Niek avatar May 08 '24 18:05 Niek

@Niek This is what ChatGPT suggests in a nutshell.. Can this solution be incorporated?

  1. Find border radius property of the button

  2. You can safely click within a rectangle defined by [x + r, y + r] to [x + width - r, y + height - r]. Ensure to handle cases where r might be large enough to affect more than just the corners (e.g., circular buttons)

async function clickRandomPoint(buttonSelector) {
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
    const page = await browser.newPage();
    await page.goto('');

    const rect = await page.evaluate(selector => {
        const element = document.querySelector(selector);
        const {x, y, width, height} = element.getBoundingClientRect();
        const style = window.getComputedStyle(element);
        const radius = parseInt(style.borderRadius); // Assuming uniform radius
        return {x, y, width, height, radius};
    }, buttonSelector);

    // Calculate safe area considering border radius
    const safeX = rect.x + rect.radius;
    const safeY = rect.y + rect.radius;
    const safeWidth = rect.width - 2 * rect.radius;
    const safeHeight = rect.height - 2 * rect.radius;

    // Generate random coordinates within the safe area
    const randomX = safeX + Math.random() * safeWidth;
    const randomY = safeY + Math.random() * safeHeight;

    // Click the random point
    await, randomY);

    await browser.close();

Full prompt + answer here -

captainjackrana avatar May 08 '24 19:05 captainjackrana

That would only work for border-radius styled elements. There are lots of other cases where the clickable object is not a perfect rectangle. I saw it e.g. on SERP links, where links with linebreaks are only clickable on the exact text. Best would be to have a generalized fix for this issue.

Niek avatar May 08 '24 19:05 Niek

One solution is to set paddingPercentage: 99 (or another high value) in your move/click function. This will make the cursor always go near the center.

bvandercar-vt avatar May 09 '24 17:05 bvandercar-vt

I just want to voice this crutch - you can change the css of the element before clicking so that style="border-radius: 0 "


await page.addStyleTag({
    content: `* {
                  border-radius: 0 !important;

rezovax avatar Jun 21 '24 10:06 rezovax