
Results 25 comments of Xetera

I mean the purpose of this repo is clearly to rack up cheap pull requests to cheat your way into winning a tshirt which ruins the experience for everyone. Even...

I was thinking more of embeds to resources like mdn or cppreference for extra info, but we definitely need those types of links in there too

Is the only current alternative for this manually editing the junction table? This sounds like a really great feature

If you're using `apollo-server-micro` or nextjs, you need to turn off body parsing on your graphql endpoint which breaks the workaround code posted above because you don't have access to...

I'm interested in working on this so I made a rough mockup. The colors and overall layout will probably change but this is as far as I can push my...

It's probably better to keep everything in one place because this repo will be the "one source of truth" so just making a `web` folder or something would probably work...

@bucket3432 oh whoops, I guess I misread the earlier conversation. In that case, it doesn't really matter if the images themselves are large or not. I was thinking it would...

That works too, but then we'll need travis or circle CI to compile the react code into html and push to a new branch. It's also possible to do it...

Netlify lets you do all of this in about 4 clicks, it's also free. The resizing is taken care of by gatsby so you don't have to worry about a...

I'll have instructions for all that in the `website` folder. A single `npm run develop` should be enough to get the website up locally if you ever want to test...