The calculations around default skills are not automatic when adding a skill to a sheet and only seem to update when you increment the points associated to the skill. It's...
Arm ST
I am unable to get Arm ST to function properly with modifications in several locations. Can you add a ST modifier that excludes kicks? Can you fix the lifting one...
You can freely combine multiple pieces of armor that don’t cover the same hit location, but you can only layer armor if the inner layer is both flexible and concealable....
Wearing an extra layer of armor anywhere but on the head gives-1 to DX and DX-based skills. (p. 286) Check to see if armor is being stacked for damage locations...
Please fix markers to allow you to still hover over whatever you marked. I dont need to see details of the marker. I put the marker there so I could...
Exceptions to allow Energy Resistance stacking are not functional. Suggest adding a flag to allow stacking of the ER amounts.