I have this issue too but it only happens one some ads.
I agree that being able to have all the volume adjustments exposed to the core options would be very helpful. In many games I find either the FM synth or...
Thanks that works.
I've tried Open With but it can't seem to handle long URLs with special symbols like "&"
I've noticed periodic pauses in Quake 1 as well. It will be running extremely smoothly, pause for a second, and go back to running smoothly. Things I've tried: Using default...
So far I can't reproduce the issue. When playing Duke Nukem 3D, I heard my external hard drive (containing Retroarch and game files) access something and a stutter happened at...
> I tried Robotron and it always work for me. > > Do you have an unpatched N64 Digital HDMI mod installed? No, I have an unmodded N64.
I've tried the new beta and the issue still happens in Top Gear Rally. Robotron 64 seemed to still have the problem as well, but I think it seems to...
I did have it set to both, so I might try memory only in the future. Although I've kind of stopped playing Top Gear Rally at the moment.