Post in reply case of score too low. Should contains for the best : * Pics of the team /song setup(to be able to try to reproduce) * Pics of...
Issue to regroup problem with note wrongly displayed, or missed while pressed correctly. Best is to post video/image with song name/difficulty etc... Universal Bunny Very Hard : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hPDeBBSONI 
Opening the part show nothing and closing break the slider.
Ghidra fail to undestand some callback switch. IE in ListSortButtonGroup OnSortButton . Asm code : ``` 01541be8 00 60 a0 e1 cpy r6,r0 01541bec 01 00 77 e3 cmn r7,#0x1...
Happen with the version of team selection :  The one in profile view (different assets) works : 

In the diva preview, skills are marked as non avaibable while it's not the case and they works ingame 

Card shader bug with some card effect. 
Song : 122 ルンに花咲く恋もある Num diva : 1 0 : Diva : 8 - Costume : 17 - 0 Position : 1 Valkyrie : 13 Difficulty : VeryHard, Line6 :...