Results 10 issues of XeR

Hello, Our project, [TFNS/CTFNote](https://github.com/TFNS/CTFNote/), uses Hedgedoc's container. We recently started [pinning containers](https://github.com/TFNS/CTFNote/commit/98d13473b887a5598c8cd618f52b5abceb78f230) to specific hashes. This ensure our users always pull a version we tested for every containers. Unfortunately, it...

Bonjour, Le code source de certaines épreuves n'est pas présent. Est-il envisageable de publier le code source de l'épreuve `Magasin à secrets` ? (dossier `reverse-MagasinASecrets`)

I do not know how to test that. At least it still builds :D We still have @quasar/cli's dependencies, but those are too ancient to be upgraded it seems. ```...

Front uses a dependency that pulls outdated and vulnerable packages (#143) > 5 vulnerabilities are still present in front. > This is caused by [eslint-plugin-graphql](https://github.com/apollographql/eslint-plugin-graphql) being deprecated and pulling outdated...


We came across @isnackable's [blog post](https://isnackable.me/ctfnote/) that describes how to run CTFNote in a Heroku instance. We should consider adding a section in the README to add these kinds of...


It is not uncommon to have challenges in multiple categories. For example: reverse + crypto, web + pwn, etc. The current system allows for a single category. Filtering by category...


This fixes CVE-2022-41741 and CVE-2022-41742 https://mailman.nginx.org/archives/list/[email protected]/message/RBRRON6PYBJJM2XIAPQBFBVLR4Q6IHRA/ The issues do not affect the default configuration.

**Describe the bug** The decompiler fails to recognize divisions optimized by recent versions of GCC. Dividing an u64 by 101 produces the following operations: ``` A = (0x446f86562d9faee5 * X)...

Feature: Decompiler
Status: Internal

### Description HedgeDoc 1.9 has a vi mode that is nowhere to be found on HedgeDoc 2 ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to https://hedgedoc.dev/ 2. Create a new (guest)...

type: feature
scope: frontend
priority: 3. low
feature: editor

API needs to wait for the database to be up before starting. We do not know how long it takes: just because the container is started doesn't mean that Postgres...
