XcodesApp icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
XcodesApp copied to clipboard

The easiest way to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode - with a mouse click.

Results 156 XcodesApp issues
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**Tell us how we can improve Xcodes** Instruct user to move app to /Applications if launched from somewhere else. **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Sparkle...


https://www.obdev.at/iap/index.html https://help.obdev.at/littlesnitch4/ra-developers


**Tell us how we can improve Xcodes** Would be nice to have an option that was basically "just download Xcode but don't worry about the privileged helper bits." **Is your...


**Describe the bug** The placeholder color in the textfield is black on dark mode which is not good on UI **To Reproduce** Opening the app in dark mode **Expected behavior**...


**Describe the bug** I was recently trying to install an updated xcode on a machine with a small hard drive. The target drive didn't have enough space to unxip properly,...


As of now, Advanced setting is filled up with many settings and it would need a space where it would be hidden behind the bottom bar. Suggestion: Split the options...


**Describe the bug** I've Installed Xcodes from homebrew, signed in with my appleID, trying to install any version gives: Unable to install Xcode: `Error.dataCorrupted`, `Swift.DecodingError` (I've tried restarting the app)...


**Tell us how we can improve Xcodes** When working with Xcode betas, it would be great to have 2 new things (which are related I think): 1. The ability to...


**Describe the bug** When downloading multiple versions of Xcode at once, the download bar for their installations is the same, even if one was already at 50%+. It becomes impossible...
