**Describe the bug** example-01-cubes cannot render primitives by points (`BGFX_STATE_PT_POINTS`) on M1 mac, metal **To Reproduce** 1. Run example-01-cubes on M1 mac, metal 2. switch `Primitive Topology Combo` to `Points`...
Fluid Engine can throw a error that prevent me from a successful build on my environment (MacOS big sur, clang 11, cmake 3.19.6) adding this line in the root CMakeLists.txt...
Hi Pierre~ I'm quite attracted by your awesome PhysX 4.1 showreel on ytb, but PEEL seems still remain old since long before. I'm recently working on physically based animation, and...
Would NvCloth support Visual Studio 16 2019 in the future?
fix `cA2wOut` typo in `DistanceJointSolverPrep` fix `mRa` typo in `ConstraintHelper`
it seems that XPBD kernel in Unity is just not complete, I wonder if there would be a chance to view the kernel code? It's nice of your awesome work...
Sorry to bother again but, I try to open sln files under `#Compiler_vs2017` and `#Compiler_vs2019`, but neither was built in success... And also, I notice that there're only `PEEL_Jolt.sln` available...
- [ ] support triangle implicit surface
- akinci2012 - [Versatile Rigid-Fluid Coupling for Incompressible SPH](https://cg.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/publications/2012_SIGGRAPH_rigidFluidCoupling.pdf) We need to first implement Akinci2012 to achieve one-way coupling. Target Scene: (Moving) Bunny Bath.