Hi I try work with Thorlabs DCx Camera, but cannot find commands list. Could you help?
may be will be nice to see last github update for all libs. if someone select lib for work it can be useful have it in 1 place.
I think here probably some formatting problems: 1) 09a-DetectorModelling.ipynb https://github.com/NelisW/ComputationalRadiometry/blob/master/09a-DetectorModelling.ipynb e^{qV/(kT\beta)} I{\rm sat} -I{ph}, $$ 2) Staring Array Modelling https://github.com/NelisW/ComputationalRadiometry/blob/master/09b-StaringArrayDetectors.ipynb n_{\textrm{pixel}}¶ \left(\frac{\pi\,t_{\textrm{int}}\, P\, \cos^n(\theta) \,Ad }{4\,F#^2} \right) \int0^\infty (\eta{\lambda}\, \tau{o\lambda}\,...