Francisco Castellanos
Francisco Castellanos
Hi, So last night I deleted the folder which contained the package and compiled it again without using any comes environment, and I didn't have any issues, however the issue...
When I got to run this job using mpirun I got this error: [cpu-23-1:104192] *** Process received signal *** [cpu-23-1:104192] Signal: Bus error (7) [cpu-23-1:104192] Signal code: Non-existant physical address...
I'm pasting below the whole script I'm trying to run right now: #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=chiro_mt #SBATCH --output=%x.%j.out #SBATCH --error=%x.%j.err #SBATCH --partition=nocona #SBATCH --nodes=2 #SBATCH --ntasks=256 #SBATCH --reservation=benchmark module --ignore-cache load...
Thanks for your detailed response, right now our cluster is under maintenance so I'll make sure to try what you say and close this issue if the problem is solved.
> Hi Folks, > > The repository has been updated with code that will write a report file in the CAFE4 style, which should allow CAFE_fig to generate a visualization...
> x2 It would be great to use this tool for cafe v5 output! The author has already updated CAFE for this. See