
Results 6 comments of XMLHexagram

Cool! And I also think i18n supported is required. If deno want developers who use different language read manual in an easier way.

@iyear I add both `--topic` flag and `--to` flag. In this PR, users can use `tdl up -c @foo --topic xxx` as a legacy but convenient way to upload file...

todo: add `--to -` list all available fields.

Hello, I have created a new repo called [GifskiFramework](https://github.com/XMLHexagram/GifskiFramework) which provides support for the Swift package manager. The new repo uses many build scripts and a complex GitHub action to...

hello @iyear, I believe PR #556 fix this issue. Would you have spare time to review that PR.

Maybe PR #565 fix this issue? Could you explain `rename the file name and upload` in detail?