Results 17 issues of XHXIAIEIN

Currently, if convert to Excel, and converted back from a PO-file, all the comment information will disappears. I wish they could keep them all in new PO-file .

I'm using Construct 3. Here is a Tilemap sample: https://editor.construct.net/#open=tilemaps Currently, there is an option to import the TMX file ![Snipaste_2022-04-02_10-55-03](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45864744/161363140-dbbbbeef-6978-4061-9b16-b84445827b60.png) But only 1 layer of Tiled can be imported...

1. Add translations links at the bottom of the index page 2. Add a link back to the index page for privacy-policy.html ![Snipaste_2022-03-03_23-07-38](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45864744/156592256-a093ba5c-8520-47fa-a801-bcb6e2df93d2.png)

### 1~3 main use cases of the proposed feature 1. Preview Twitter threads videos and GIFs ### Ideas for solution _No response_ ### what types of users can benefit from...

Added a simple example. Help them how to use Willump in LCU API.

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Currently the editor cannot open images in .webp format. ![Snipaste_2023-12-04_16-35-02](https://github.com/NickeManarin/ScreenToGif/assets/45864744/f9d00182-0641-43b0-8478-ede5404d2fc9)

⬜ Pending

Construct 是一款基于浏览器的游戏引擎,它依赖于原生浏览器。 https://editor.construct.net/ 我请教了引擎官方,如果能实现一个让小游戏引擎的 webview 转换成浏览器引擎的 webview,那会比较轻松的进行移植。这是一个与官方的讨论: https://www.construct.net/en/forum/construct-3/general-discussion-7/wechat-miniprogram-export-174008

建议将快捷键/常量配置储存到 Storage,避免下次更新被覆盖 https://www.tampermonkey.net/documentation.php?locale=en#api:GM_getValue ``` const someKey = GM_getValue("someKey", null); const otherKey = await GM.getValue("otherKey", null); ```

hope add a way (button or shortcut) to open / download of video covers. ## Example https://www.instagram.com/allthatisshe/ For example, I want to download the cover of this video: https://www.instagram.com/p/C0jyeHPo6y3/ ![Snipaste_2024-01-03_17-58-46](https://github.com/y252328/Instagram_Download_Button/assets/45864744/c61737ad-656e-46ec-ae54-d6bcac7adcde)...