It seem that handleActivityResult now need ActivityResultCode and the intent. i am guessing that we should do this : `rxBillingFlow.handleActivityResult(resultCode, data)` am i right ? My problem is that although...
This doesn't work, I get blocked on the first page on portait. And it scroll to the last page on landscape. Because spacingPx is never set so is = 0.
update for those who are struggling with a view page per page, just add to the constructor .swipeHorizontal(true) .pageSnap(true) .autoSpacing(true) .pageFling(true) And you will get a page per page view,...
I have the same problem, did you found any solution to this?
I would like to do the same, did you fond any solution to this ?
how to you generate thumbnails with this lib ? I want to do it but no idea how