> I use my Work profile (using Shelter) in a combination of TC and MullvadVPN. (Personal profiles go through the VPN without TC.) Mullvad has a socks proxy feature so...
Thank you very much @kasnder, I will have a try...
Hi @jbas23, thank you very much for your answer but at the end, I found my ideal "workflow". So I use Shelter to activate Work profile. The work profile is...
Thank you for all this great information. But I need to change my phone first, I don't have Pixel ...
Hi guys, First of all, a great thanks to @vauvenal5 this app rocks, really ! I think I have a problem related with this issue. When i use "Delete remotely"...
HI all, I tried the #42144 patch and it didn't solve the issue. Is it possible to remove the "fixed by #42144 " attribute on this issue, please?
Bonjour, je découvre Home Assistant car je souhaite suivre ma conso de gaz comme je le faisais avant sur Jeedom et le plugin Jazpar. Mon HomeAssistant tourne, je chauffe au...
I agree, it should be great to use this coordinates with Waze or osmand depending on the situation and the usage.