> #578 thanks, and I find another solution myself: Copy the font I need to Asciidoctor-CJK-Demo > fonts, and change the yaml config   But I don't know why...
> What option can I delegate different font for normal and italic text?
And, have the ways to easily custom own block limiter or format operator?
I mean , how to define a operator, like @text@ 、||text|| 、// text // …… how tu bind the symbol and css style together?
Oh, I fixed it now …… It complie the return after directly. Not familiar enough with html. May this issue could help someone. 
Awesome, I can use html format in comment editor. Today is a good day. I discovered many interesting things. Thank you.
and there is the better way to quote code, 
補充信息:  左為OneNote,右為Word; 系統:win10(專業版 10.0.19045),字體係GitHub下載的最新版字體包,各個字重ttf單獨安裝,安裝方式-為所有用戶安裝,安裝字型後多次重啓; 顯示效果可能與office套件底層是XML有關? 通過 alt-X 確認字符編碼是 3B8 ,alt-X 將 03B8 逆轉爲字符,表現一致(即Sung系列統統顯示異常,Sung Text系列在 SB 字重時異常) 作爲參照:  使用 EmEditor,結果相同  vscode+live server 在chrome顯示效果如上。Normal 字重在此不知爲何也顯示異常。  AsciidocFx(基於Ruby?類markdown,可内嵌HTML)内置預覽似乎全部正常,但生成html到chrome中預覽又是另外一個情況,同前一例子。 PS: 字體在一般文本編輯器中的引用名和在CSS中的引用名似乎不一致,字重不能用縮寫,必須全名。且在文本編輯器中,Text...