> Can we get a log? X-Plane 11 log file? [Log.txt](https://github.com/skiselkov/BetterPushbackC/files/10469314/Log.txt)
> Yes thank you, there is an error with a sound file related to the Robin DR401. Sound errors like this can cause issues BP errors. This was the only...
> Any update on this? I cleared all preferences by deleting the preferences folder. Since then, BP does not work. > Cannot rotate the aircraft with the mouse as above,...
> After messing around for hours last night. I managed to somehow get it all working again by deleting the preferences folder, loading up the intro aircraft and airport, changing...
> > > After messing around for hours last night. I managed to somehow get it all working again by deleting the preferences folder, loading up the intro aircraft and...
> > > > > After messing around for hours last night. I managed to somehow get it all working again by deleting the preferences folder, loading up the intro...