Addding: the width of the text image is often greater than the height. Can image information be preserved to the greatest extent if image is resized to square? Look forward...
Thanks for your reply~ I will try your work.
> I'm trying to resize a very long sentence , i resized the image to fixed apsect ratio of height 32 and padded the image to 224,224 for example the...
I've solved this problem which is caused by slightly incorrect realization of triangulation. Go to this [URL](https://github.com/tonyiweb/face_merge_master/blob/a97daac01c01847586403583db6013c53f71b986/core/triangulation.py#L25) and replace the function with ``` def measure_triangle(image, points): delaunay = spatial.Delaunay(points) triangle...
First, you should get the original FPS for each video. And then, synchronize video according to its AV OFFSET: 1. when av offset is positive: `ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -itsoffset abs(OFFSET)/FPS...
> > 您好,您的来信我已经收到,会尽快回复。 > > 多谢兄弟,我是想问为啥一个时长不变,一个变成 video_len-abs(OFFSET)/FPS了 嗷这里是考虑到音频提前之后视频会有一部分没有声音就裁掉了,我想了一下实际上应该同时对校正后视频的头尾进行裁剪,如果你的offset是几秒的话得到的视频前几秒是【卡顿有声音】或者【画面在动但是无声音】 但是当你的offset就几帧的前提下没有太大影响,offset超过几秒的话有时候那个视频本身就对不上音频和唇形
> 网络数据集==0.2.86 > > ``` > shards = [dict(url="lines-000000.tar", nsamples=250)] > ds = wids.ShardListDataset(shards, keep=True) > print(ds[0]) > ``` > > 然后发生 > > ``` > File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/wids/wids.py", line 515,...
try this bro~ ``` with open("Animation - 1697017813652.json", 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) st_lottie(data, width=250) ```