Hello @hanspark74 , did you exclude/include SetupWizard.apk in your build? I had a similar issue with login due to that. Credentials work (verified), but setup will not go beyond accepting...
Last tip @hanspark74 , Try running `development/tools/privapp_permissions/privapp_permissions.py` right after your build is complete to see if there any permissions that need to be added to privapp-permissions-platform.xml. Best regards.
Hi, I am having this problem also. > TigerC10 commented on Apr 14, 2019 I've also got this problem: vendor/opengapps/build/config.mk:24: *** GAPPS_VARIANT tvstock was not found. Use of one of...
Hi @osm0sis, I tried this myself today and added the output to privapp-permissions-platform.xml. There were only two Gapps that showed in the output. ` ` After applying, my build (tvstock/tvmini)...