Nuno Cruz
Nuno Cruz
> After trying to understand what's going on, it looks like AppCompat 1.2.0 changes how context wrapping is done, even tho I don't see any official notes documenting it >...
Another alternative would be to make a duplicate of the the MviController and MviConductorLifecycleListener classes. Change your custom MviController to use the new MviConductorLifecycleListener that now has a "implements" instead...
Facing the same issue, using functional interfaces (#1089). Removing the suspend modifier does not fix the issue. Not sure if it's the same underlying cause.
Any updates? There is something really lacking here. I've noticed that If I have the following UseCase: ``` fun interface GetNearbyPostalCodesUseCase { suspend operator fun invoke(address: Address?): Result } ```...
> I struggled with this as well, until I realized that, since a `fun interface` is at its heart still an interface, it's not something that needs to be mocked;...
I'm having the exact same issue. Have you found any solution? Currently using constraint layout 2.0 alpha 4