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Python interface to WorldWide Telescope :milky_way:
I'm trying to smoothly transition between a "top down" and "edge on" view of the Milky Way by sending the center_on_coordinates function two different SkyCoord objects. I have set instant=False...
Similar to #137, it would be nice to be able to be able to define the color-coding of points in layers by specifying a column (currently ``colorMapColumn``) but also ``colorMapMin``...
At the moment, when using ``set_track_object`` in solar system mode, one still has to zoom in manually to the planet. I believe there is a function ``gotoTarget`` that we may...
Astropy allows users to construct arrays of ``SkyCoord`` objects which can contain positions on the sky and optionally distances. Essentially this provides absolute 2D or 3D coordinates. We should allow...
We should document how the scaling of points and the color-coding works when color-coding by attributes. In particular, do we have control over the min/max values to use for this...
The attached screenshot shows the issue: I want to change the size of the WWTJupyterWidget. I try to reset the 'layout' property and, while the widget does change size (the...
When scrolling over the WWTJupyterWidget in a JupyterLab notebook, the content correctly zooms in & out but the entire notebook page also scrolls. I've created a video in Dropbox (
The ``center_on_coordinates`` method only really works for the Sky view, but it'd be nice to have something like this for lon/lat on a planet for instance. I'm pretty sure this...
I see that #15 is almost the same thing and was closed over a year ago... But I was just playing with `pywwt` in Jupyter, and the problem still seems...
Circles with a radius given in pixels are now larger in WebGL than they were before. It would be nice to make them consistent if possible. The reference images updated...