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Python interface to WorldWide Telescope :milky_way:
If I try and run PyWWT with PyQt6 I run into the following issue: ``` File "/Users/tom/python/dev/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pywwt/", line 153, in __init__ AttributeError: 'WWTQWebEnginePage' object has no attribute 'setView' ```...
When I start the WWT app in jupyter lab everything in the interface freezes when I navigate away from the tab with the WWT app. At some point the interface...
problem with run the : wwt = await connect_to_app().becomes_ready() --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TimeoutError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [2], in ----> 1 wwt = await connect_to_app().becomes_ready() File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pywwt/, in BaseWWTWidget.becomes_ready(self,...
The following example now crashes: ```python import numpy as np from astropy.table import Table from pywwt.qt import WWTQtClient N = 200_000 table = Table() table['x'] = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, N) table['y']...
When I use `layer = wwt.layers.add_image_layer(image=image_path)` on an rgb fits (3D array) file I get the error: `ValueError: Input data is not 2-dimensional` is there a way to load rgb...
Under older versions of python, this used to run. now, under python 3.8 or python 3.9 examples just run cpu forever.
I'm not 100% sure if we want to support this but to get WWT to work correctly in glue under Big Sur I had to pass ``--disable-gpu`` to QtWebEngine. As...
The following example from the docs: ```python from pywwt.qt import WWTQtClient wwt = WWTQtClient(block_until_ready=True) from astropy.table import Table OEC = '' table =, delimiter=',', format='ascii.basic') wwt.layers.add_table_layer(table=table, frame='Sky', lon_att='ra', lat_att='dec',...
Using the successful formula from recent fixes (#272), I tried to install pywwt in the TLJH implementation of JupyterHub ( Unfortunately, pywwt installs its own version of JupyterLab (and related...
The Jupyter/ipywidgets model for how custom widgets work [is fairly complex]( Not only do widgets have representations on both the Python and JavaScript sides that must talk to each other,...