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Jupyter lab interface freezes after launching WWT app
When I start the WWT app in jupyter lab everything in the interface freezes when I navigate away from the tab with the WWT app. At some point the interface indicates I've tried to drag another tab. Once I complete moving that tab the interface works again.
The GIF below hopefully is clear.
Platform: macOS 11.6.5, Intel core i7
conda/mamba versions:
$ mamba --version (pywwt-2)
mamba 0.24.0
conda 4.13.0
Steps to reproduce:
- Make a fresh environment:
mamba create -c conda-forge -n pywwt-2 pywwt jupyterlab=3
- Activate the environment:
conda activate pywwt-2
- Install nodejs because I forgot that:
mamba install nodejs
- Install the jupyter lab extension:
jupyter labextension install --no-build @wwtelescope/jupyterlab
- Build jupyter lab:
jupyter lab build
- Check that lab extensions are all installed, enabled, etc (they are):
jupyter labextension list
- Launch jupyter lab (remaining steps are also in video)
- Have a notebook already open (not 100% sure this matters)
- Shift-cmd-C for command palette then launch the WWT app
- Zoom/pan a bit to make sure app works
- Click back to notebook tab
- No typing, no clicking 😞
- Several seconds alter, jupyter lab interface indicates it thinks I'm dragging something (see video)
- Drop the tab I'm apparently moving
- Things work again 😁