
Results 29 comments of WootyB

@Xottab-DUTY I am new to this project, assuming I just launch the game with `./xr_3da -r2_wait_timeout` or `./xr_3da -r2_wait_timeout 10`? Running a combination of those do produce a few amusing...

@Xottab-DUTY Apologies, it's not often I've had to do that, thanks for the tip. I ran r2_wait_timeout 100, 500, 766, 1000; doesn't seem to affect anything. Thanks

Just an update. I installed RBDOOM-3-BFG and found a similar issue. All pre and in game menu text, in game HUD and dialogue windows are fine, however I noticed all...

> > 7. UI text is illegible and spans the screen > > Попробуй заменить шрифты (CoP DXT5 fonts): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RH1hJR9Zgi6gIemNuiPyB3WCtXFJwgps/view?usp=sharing Issue persists after replacing with DXT5 fonts. At this point...

@Xottab-DUTY I'm currently out of town, but should be able to build and test on 8/15. Acknowledging request.

Well, I've tried to build a few times, not sure if it's my setup but still working through a compile error: `[ 34%] Linking CXX shared library ../../../x64/Release/xrRender_GL.so CMakeFiles/xrRender_GL.dir/__/xrRender/blenders/glRainBlender.cpp.o:glRainBlender.cpp:vtable for...

@Xottab-DUTY There may be a problem with one of my dependencies as clearing ccache didn't affect anything. Build and packaged in a VM and was able to get the game...

@Xottab-DUTY Here is a highly compressed video, should show issue but if you need a more high quality clip let me know and I will upload to my youtube this...

I don't know if that was from the issues, the quality, or the fact it was deleted prematurely.... :smiley: However, here's a better upload: https://youtu.be/ZNKqzhBQXu0

@Xottab-DUTY No dice. The only difference between both screenshots is I looked up a few pixels then opened up the console again. https://ibb.co/pwb3zwT https://ibb.co/3Ms7GKk I recently got another ARM64 machine...