Hlib Kanunnikov

Results 126 issues of Hlib Kanunnikov

The default values for `GracePeriod` and `RoutingTableRefreshPeriod` are set as `time.Minute`, however, in the config it is written in nanoseconds which is not very human-friendly. Instead, it should be a...

good first issue

This way we can also understand better defaults for AvailabilityTimeout + RetrieveQuadrantTimeout


OTel exporters for both tracing and metrics are not gracefully closed. Even though exporters are running the whole Node runtime, and anyway, once the node stops, they are stopped, we...


Currently, we submit only the Node type attribute for both metrics and tracing. Besides that, we should also submit: * Go version * Node version * Operation system and architecture...


Otel allows traces to be enabled and disabled in runtime, which would be a nice UX feature. This depends on the ability to talk with the node in runtime through...


The Node's Store manages every storage footprint from the node, including KVStores, storage for shares, configs, private keys, and with mainline FS implementation also manages the root folder of the...


As * #306 is fixed * [Our change in PubSub is merged](https://github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-pubsub/pull/481) is merged * and pubsub's deps [were updated](https://github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-pubsub/pull/491) , we no longer need to rely on our fork...


FX has almost delivered a new feature https://github.com/uber-go/fx/pull/895, that I think would improve our DI-related code. Essentially, it would allow us to _provide_ dependencies with lifecycles in one line. Currently,...


The current plan for frauds implementation is based on FraudSub which ensures that frauds are propagated to the nodes being online. However, we should also ensure that nodes that missed...
