
Results 13 comments of Wolkex3

I have the same problem. @oc8 do you solved this issue?

@oc8 I started a question in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71252255/assert-process-still-running-and-webdriverexception-message-service-geckodri/ There is already one answer. Maybe we will solve it there together? :)

I have now completly reinstalled raspbian and having the same issue. I cannot even start geckodriver. Does someone have a hint for me? ``` pi@raspberrypi:~ $ python3 Python 3.9.2 (default,...

@oc8, have a look at this post. I think we need to switch to Ubunto on RPI. https://github.com/InstaPy/InstaPy/issues/6521#issuecomment-1053699644

> > @oc8, have a look at this post. I think we need to switch to Ubunto on RPI. [#6521 (comment)](https://github.com/InstaPy/InstaPy/issues/6521#issuecomment-1053699644) > > > > Great! I'm going to try...

> browser_executable_path=browser Hi, thanks for your reply. I tried it like you described, but I'm still getting this info: window.navigator.webdriver response: None I tried it with https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/77.0/ and (https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/78.0.1esr/ What...

> Yeah, it's an old helper app, but updated raspbian... I had to install Ubuntu on my Rpi to run headless. Ah, that is the reason! Thanks for the hint....

> > > Yeah, it's an old helper app, but updated raspbian... I had to install Ubuntu on my Rpi to run headless. > > > > > > Ah,...

> > > > > Yeah, it's an old helper app, but updated raspbian... I had to install Ubuntu on my Rpi to run headless. > > > > >...

I have now got myself a RPI4 and installed Ubuntu Server. Unfortunately I get the following error message that I do not understand. Apparently Geckodriver is not found. However, there...