Larry (Wolfieheart)
Larry (Wolfieheart)
~~ Contemplating making Shaders Incompatibility as its own thing as well. ~~ Shaders has been added in! Open to ideas here btw :)
So Yeah Most of the work on this is now done.... Just needs anything else we can think of :)
@Chocohead as well - Ready for Review. Feel free to merge in whenever :)
Hrmmm wondering how to do this since switching from OffHand to MainHand is already occupied partially. Disabling of Slots you can do with /asedit mode disableslots but permalocking them is...
Then again and I am thinking out loud here while writing, that you could easily do: addEquipmentLock(REMOVING_OR_CHANGING) when disabling slots..... Might make things easier, and have it work via an...
> If I wanted to show off with you about the plugin, write on priv githuba? Go ahead and drop a link to it when you have time. I would...
Ah then forgive me for misinterpreting. Ill have a look around at some stage and see how best to implement this. Could be that I have to preface it witt...
AFAIK (and someone please correct me if I am wrong here, this is my own understanding of the API): - The BukkitScheduler relies on the single 20TPS main thread, therefore...
> Do you get any stacktraces on Folia? If so, please send them here Sorry for the delay with replying to this one, as I have been busy both IRL...
Known Issue has been around for a long time - Fixing it would require most likely moving to paper = but marked to be fixed later