
Results 10 issues of P.

Hey, first I wanted to thank you for the app. It's really been great and with having it available on Github gives me more trust in using it. Now, my...

Thank you for the development of this application. Currently I'm porting it to Nixpkgs (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/149729) and I can say it works as intended. Unfortunately, the only reason I can't merge...

# Version: [Commit 9760060a295934562c03a010bb1f0234a9423c7b](https://github.com/chef/bento/commit/9760060a295934562c03a010bb1f0234a9423c7b) # Environment: Using NixOS, running the cookbook from `bento/packer_templates/ubuntu/ubuntu-20.04-live.amd64.json` for Virtualbox (6.1.30 r148432) # Scenario: Building an Ubuntu 20.04.4 image successfully # Steps to Reproduce: Run...

Status: Untriaged

Recently someone was able to package this into NixOS, although it only works through an user install. The changes added here are for setting/removing the manifests on Brave and Vivaldi...

In summary, as I edit my Markdown files separately, I added this part to the code to simply run the `post` command (loading my file) without any prompts. Kind of...

Needed to add this option because on the workplace I have to create a separate path for my Go directory. I am using `null` as default value here because as...

When I run `composer2nix` (got it by installing through composer globally) on a PHP project, it seems everything is running fine, but it stops at the following error: `Parse error:...

I have a config file that uses the UDP input and the Netflow codec plugins. We have enabled a config file with the rest plugin today, but we received the...

This has been tested on Kibana 5.2.2, 5.3.3 (As indicated by @kaihil on #11). The only thing is that I have removed the babel files, because I was getting errors...

I want to implement Trivy Github Action on a repo that contains multiple variants of a container image. The idea is that I am running a workflow for each version,...
