Egor M
Egor M
Got the same message from apple review team. Any ideas?
@RoyalFox2140 Mac M1 Sonoma 14.5 - Works great!
@gjeff78 after several attpempts i connected with user "admin" and empty password And also on my Mac OS it requres connetction string `http://[email protected]` instead of `http://[email protected]/DavWWWRoot`
> @Woit Have you looked the video @ 1:28 ? Yep, extension link should replace standart firefox homepage in my case But not did it
no effect (
Also have this issue on xcode 15.3 (thx aapl) As temporary solution you can add next lines to top of project.yml ``` options: postGenCommand: xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies -project MyApp.xcodeproj -scheme MyApp...