Hello, I guess there is a little bug. The function g should be ufl.dot(ufl.grad(u_ex), n) without " - ". In your case, the exact solution is cos function, and its...
> I think this would be a good idea if we can come up with an efficient linear solve (using PETSc Schur complement fieldsplit ?) Yes, I think the solver...
> @WjjSteve I wouldn't necessarily expect the performance (runtime) to be as good as LU, particularly small problems. Instead the key questions are: > > 1. Does it solve in...
> We're going to take a look at the MPI aspect of this this for you @WjjSteve. Sure I understand. Maybe it is easier to use MPI when **nested operators**...
> We're going to take a look at the MPI aspect of this this for you @WjjSteve. Hello, I have made a demo using nested matrix and vector for the...