@enchained Thank you for the quick reply. All of my addons plus Firefox is up to date. And my script looks like this: ``` // ==UserScript== // @name Plex External...
@Kayomani I'm sorry it's Greasemonkey 4.2 not Tampermonkey. And Firefox version is 58.0.2(64bit).
@Kayomani I see, didn't saw the README was updated. Installed Tampermonkey 4.5.5660 and got another errors. Should I make another issue? The error messages are: ``` Plex External Player Playing...
@enchained Tried all of them still getting same error messages. I've also tried on chromium(64.0.3282.119) without any extensions and same error messages. Here is the log message from Firefox: ```...
@enchained Yes, the agent is running in the tray. Restarted few times, firewall exceptions added. Yes the normal download link works without a problem. I've also tried on different client(Windows...
@enchained Looks localhost already in the whitelist.