org.openhab.binding.heos copied to clipboard
Heos Binding for OpenHab
@Wire82 As you don't longer maintain repository, I would recommend to archive it and add a reference to the currently maintained version of the HEOS binding (, so that users...
Hi, from time to time I have power outage. After that I have to restart openhab, because HEOS doesn't work. Is there any possibility to write some sort of reconnection/checking...
Hi, I have two HEOS One connected to network using cable (not WIFI). I have configuration of HEOS through files: ``` Bridge heos:bridge:2159aebc-1cdc-2c29-3139-1f6d9c5f8669 "HEOS Bridge: Matylda" @ "HEOS" [ name="HEOS...
From the documentation, I cannot see how we can define groups in a heos.things file. When I try to define a group, there seem to be multiple NullReferenceExceptions occuring due...
Hello, how can i install the addon because there is no .jar file! thanks for the support!
I get the following error message: ``` [ERROR] [org.openhab.binding.heos ] - FrameworkEvent ERROR - org.openhab.binding.heos org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: org.openhab.binding.heos [211] Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: org.eclipse.jdt.annotation; resolution:="optional" Unresolved requirement: Import-Package:...
When creating and deleting groups, the changes are not detected by the binding. Only when I scan via the inbox of via Paper UI, changes are detected and processed. I'm...
Signed-off-by: Patrick Fink
The Audio Sink implementation did not add a separator (`.`) between the filename and the file extension. This lead to URLs being requested like: `/audio/70cd606e-fcff-4259-9d0b-2538c8fc1a6fmp3`, which does not exist. This...