Wenjin Deng
Wenjin Deng
@hirotomusiker hi, after following your guidance, I got some errors, **mainly with status 2**: > Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\ming-04\Anaconda3\lib\distutils\_msvccompiler.py", line 423, in compile self.spawn(args) File "C:\Users\ming-04\Anaconda3\lib\distutils\_msvccompiler.py", line...
@JiangDing1995 @Johnren1111 1. create a new file named "model" in work_space, 2. modify all code about file path, such as: params['work_space']/'save' **->** > os.path.join(params['work_space'],'save') save_path / ('model_{}_val_loss:{}_step:{}.pth'.format(time, val_loss, self.step) **->**...
@os1a Thank you! Looking forward to your code. Great respect for your work again!
Hi, @DKandrew Do you have any advice?
2d matrix= 3d matrix * camera matrix 理论上获取相机内参或视角参数,与3d坐标矩阵相乘得到2d矩阵
@wuneng 作者的代码中,对得到的2d点进行3d预测画图之前有两次处理,一次是对2d点normalize_screen_coordinates,另外一次是对得到的3d预测camera_to_world,如果你要3d反向映射回来,要走这个逆过程,不知道之前是否有注意这里