Results 9 issues of FFFL



In page8, name of source file in compiling command should be "threads.c"


感觉 [动态规划:377.组合总和Ⅳ](https://github.com/youngyangyang04/leetcode-master/blob/master/problems/0377.%E7%BB%84%E5%90%88%E6%80%BB%E5%92%8C%E2%85%A3.md) 和 [动态规划:70.爬楼梯(完全背包版本)](https://github.com/youngyangyang04/leetcode-master/blob/master/problems/0070.%E7%88%AC%E6%A5%BC%E6%A2%AF%E5%AE%8C%E5%85%A8%E8%83%8C%E5%8C%85%E7%89%88%E6%9C%AC.md) 的思路没有太大必要。实际上用初始爬楼梯的思路更好理解这类题目,对于 70.爬楼梯,内循环变量 j 本身可以理解成备选的**单次跨越台阶数**,对于 377.组合总和,`nums[j]` 就是一个备选的**单次跨越台阶数**。

添加 fcitx5 IMF 的配置。

There may be multiple disks in one device and I want to see a summed io activity of all disks? is it possible to implement this and provide an option...

优先使用 fcitx5 框架。close #13

我在 Debian 12 中使用 fcitx,发现新版本的 fcitx5 对环境变量的设置已经变成 `fcitx` 了,所以最好不要用环境变量判断 fcitx/fcitx5,而应该使用其他方式。 ![图片](https://github.com/brglng/vim-im-select/assets/47921347/f15e9f66-40af-4ba4-9761-9dedf6b0c503)

### Describe your feature request Add wayland support to marktext. Electron 12 has been able to run on wayland, could you add this to marktext? Maybe just some tags in...

help wanted